
From my Diary: Dinner / Hair / Flat Stress

03/12/09: Dinner Tomorrow / Hair Cut / Flat Stresses

“We are maybe having people over tomorrow, maybe there will be six of us maybe just 2 - I am going to cook everything tonight, the lasagne sauces and assembly then leave in the fridge and also a key lime pie - yummy. If it's just the two of us that's fine and we can freeze the extra. It maybe my kooky friend and her boyfriend and our northern friends coming but we will just see. I am a bit concerned that I will get really stressed because the house is a total mess, but as Sandy says at Reluctant Entertainer we should just not worry about it and invite people in to share our home with us. My boy is not keen because of the small flat so I have to stay really positive!

My kooky friend once said that the small flat they have was starting to affect their health - hopefully we'll never get to that stage! She said there is no way she would have anyone round there - that is exactly what Sandy is trying to discourage and show us that by sharing we can enjoy where we live. My kooky friend said she stays at work late then goes straight to bed when she gets in then leaves early, trying to spend as little time there as possible. It's so important to have a home and be able to relax there, I realise you can make anywhere your sanctuary it's mostly about attitude and doing some small things.

I'm getting my haircut tonight too, somewhere a friend recommended, as long as he doesn't but it really really short I'm not that bothered. I don't know what I want, just something that looks good, I will ask his advice, maybe I should go crazy and get a fringe or something! Although that would require quite a lot of work in the mornings! My hair is the one part of my body that I have issues with, although I'm not too bad – like my stressed friend and my kooky friend. It's fine but I just don't feel like I have it under control, it's always a bit boring. I wish I could really dress it up a bit to go out if I wanted. Maybe if I invested more into my hair and got it cut more regularly I would be able to do something with it.

Anyway in general I don't have many issues so I'm thankful for that! I've really got to sort the flat out tonight and make it look as spacious as possible! I'm not too worried about it, we won't be there forever.

I'm getting on ok with my blogging, doing a post everyday at the moment - I've schedules a few in which is really helping a long as I stay a few days ahead I should be able to keep it up. I found some great blogs today by taking part in photography challenges. I realised I really need to improve my writing and write more from the heart, although now people I know from 'real life' rather than just bloggy friends read my blog I'm feeling a bit more cautious about my writing!”


[How did I ever think I’d manage to write a post a day on my old blog – that didn’t last long! I was posting on weekends too which was just far too much for me to keep up! Also telling people in real life about that blog made me need to censor myself a lot.]

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