
Patriotism? A Scottish Wedding

This past week we attended a wedding of friends, it was truly a lovely weekend. The best way to celebrate your Scottish roots at a wedding is by wearing your family tartan.

Scottish Kilts

Of course getting married in a historic building sure does help.

Scottish House

It also helps when you invite loads of Scottish friends who are sure to turn up in a selection of tartans on the day bring a lot more colour than most men would otherwise.

Scottish Kilts

Then ensure everyone complains about how unseasonable hot it is in Scotland, especially for those men wearing kilts!

P.S: When photographing men in kilts it’s always better to take a photo head to toe then crop later, otherwise you’ll get some funny looks…

{Linking up to You Capture at Beth’s}


  1. Love this! My husband celebrates his Scottish roots with a closet full of kilts here in America. No joke. Great shots!

  2. Hilarious about the cropping part! And I love your take on the theme. These are gorgeous!

  3. I love those! We incorporated tartans into my wedding to celebrate my husbands Scottish roots!

  4. That's so sweet that you incorporated tartans, it's really important to make your wedding personal with things that are important to you.
    Thanks for stopping by,

  5. I took some 'lower half' photos at the Highland Games last year and it did look pretty bad, our friends with us were like 'what are you doing taking pictures of those guys' crotch' erm I'm taking a photo of the kilts!! I learned the embarassing way!

  6. Hi Ruthie,
    Why not celebrate with a closet full of kilts, the alternatives would be comsuming excessive amounts of whisy and shortbread - the kilts are a healthier alternative I'm sure!

  7. OMG, I love this! I wish I had a reason to make my husband don a kilt!


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